In recent years, influencers have become an indispensable part of our daily social media use. Young people in particular are increasingly influenced by online personalities. Marketing agencies are cleverly responding to this by marketing products via influencers, often in a way that is subtle and unobtrusive.

This may seem harmless at first glance, but the danger lies in the fact that influencers' presentations often look very professional.
The internet, especially social media like Instagram, is used to its full potential to reach as many people as possible. But as with everything, not everything is as it seems.

What exactly is an influencer and how do they influence you?

An influencer is someone who is used by brands to influence the behavior of certain groups of people. They do this by enticing their large numbers of followers on social media platforms such as Instagram to buy certain products. They use various forms of content, such as vlogs, blogs and photos, to get their message across. The number of followers often determines the success and influence of an influencer. The greater the reach, the higher the earnings. This is how it works.

The dangers of the recommendations

A big problem with influencers is that many do not have the right knowledge and training to promote products or services. Their strength often lies in their ability to convey a message convincingly. So their quality is not their knowledge of the product. This can lead to situations where products or treatments are recommended that can be harmful to the health of their followers. There are different types of influencers, from macro influencers with hundreds of thousands of followers to micro influencers with tens of thousands of followers. Their income is related to the number of people they follow.

Adults are also vulnerable

Although young people are often seen as the most vulnerable group to the influence of influencers, they are certainly not the only group susceptible to this form of marketing. Adults can also be influenced by what they see on social media. People of all ages can be susceptible to the subtle (or sometimes not so subtle) influence of influencers, especially if they identify with the values, lifestyle or personal style of the influencer.

Adults can be just as influenced by the perfect images and stories that influencers share, especially if they are insecure about certain aspects of their lives, such as their appearance, career or social status. Feeling pressured to buy certain products or follow a certain lifestyle can also lead them to make financial decisions they might not otherwise make.

“Social proof” by celebrities

In addition, the phenomenon of so-called “social proof” plays a role, which many people fall for. After all, if a celebrity says it, it must be true. This applies to both young people and adults. Moreover, adults who are concerned about their health, well-being or appearance can easily be influenced by influencers who promote health and beauty products.

Who can we believe then?

 The message is clear; especially when it comes to matters related to your health, social media are unreliable sources. But can we no longer trust anyone?
Wij bespreken hier twee uitzonderingen;

1. The Shamadriaan: It's like mopping with the sewer open Sjamadriaan:  ‘Het is dweilen met de rioolpijp open’

Science journalist Adriaan ter Braack, better known as the 'holistic wrecking ball' Sjamadriaan, puts an end to health myths from wellness influencers. Adriaan has our recommendation for his work. By following him on social media and taking note of his critical attitude, you also work on your own resilience against influencers.

2. The Personal Trainers from First Class Fitness

Without exception, all trainers at First Class Fitness are highly educated. They have followed courses with a scientific basis. In other words, they do not pull the wool over people's eyes.
You are in safe hands with the trainers.

Do you have doubts about claims on Instagram, for example, regarding nutrition, exercise or lifestyle? Submit your question using the form below and one of our trainers will contact you.

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