Personal Training

First Class Fitness Delft


Why Personal Training

Personal training is what made our Personal Training Studio great. Because we think it is very important that you get the most out of your personal training session, nutritional advice is an important part of personal training in our studio.

Personal Training and Nutritional Advice

Voedingsadvies en personal training zorgen samen voor optimaal resultaat. Als je een personal trainingstraject bent begonnen bij ons in de studio zit hier altijd een onderdeel voedingsadvies bij. Wij maken gebruik van een app om je voeding bij te houden, als je begint met een personal training sessie bekijk je samen met je trainer of het lukt om in de juiste verhoudingen te eten. Lukt dat niet dan kan je onderhandelen met je trainer om samen tot een voedingspatroon te komen wat voor jou werkt, maar wat ook voor je blijft werken als je klaar bent met je personal training traject.

personal training

Personal Training and Nutritional Advice

Nutritional advice and personal training together ensure optimal results. If you have started a personal training program with us in the studio, this will always include nutritional advice. We use an app to keep track of your nutrition. When you start a personal training session, you and your trainer check whether you are able to eat in the right proportions. If this does not work, you can negotiate with your trainer to arrive at a nutritional pattern that works for you, but which will also continue to work for you when you have finished your personal training program.

personal training
personal training

Your personal trainer

Personal training is more than getting stronger or losing weight. Postural control is an important part of personal training. A personal training session always starts with a test to look at your natural compensations. Your trainer will create your personal training schedule for you goals and compensations. This not only makes you stronger, but also improves your posture. Because our personal trainers being well trained, as a customer with us you really get value for your money. In addition to common goals such as weight loss, muscle mass gain or simply getting FIT again, our personal trainers also look at your posture. Your personal trainer looks at your natural compensations and adjusts your training schedule accordingly. This will not only help you achieve your personal goals, but also improve your attitude and prevent possible complaints in the future.

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